You should replace {your_ethereum_rpc_url} with the RPC endpoint for an Ethereum node and {local_path_on_host_machine} with a directory on your host machine where all Mesh-related data will be stored.
Ports 60557, 60558, and 60559 are the default ports used for the JSON RPC endpoint, communicating with peers over TCP, and communicating with peers over WebSockets, respectively.
In order to disable P2P order discovery and sharing, set USE_BOOTSTRAP_LIST to false.
Running a VPN may interfere with Mesh. If you are having difficulty connecting to peers, disable your VPN.
If you are running against a POA testnet (e.g., Kovan), you might want to shorten the BLOCK_POLLING_INTERVAL since blocks are mined more frequently then on mainnet. If you do this, your node will use more Ethereum RPC calls, so you will also need to adjust the ETHEREUM_RPC_MAX_REQUESTS_PER_24_HR_UTC upwards (warning: setting this higher than 100k won't fit into Infura's
free tier).
If you want to run the mesh in "detached" mode, add the -d switch to the docker run command so that your console doesn't get blocked.
Persisting State
The Docker container is configured to store all Mesh state (e.g. database files, private key file) in /usr/mesh/0x_mesh. If you want the Mesh state to persist across Docker container re-starts, use the -v flag as included in the command above to mount a local 0x_mesh directory into your container. This is strongly recommended.
Environment Variables
0x Mesh uses environment variables for configuration. Most environment variables are detailed in the Config struct. They are copied here for convenience, although the source code is authoritative.
typeConfigstruct {// Verbosity is the logging verbosity: 0=panic, 1=fatal, 2=error, 3=warn, 4=info, 5=debug 6=trace Verbosity int`envvar:"VERBOSITY" default:"2"`// DataDir is the directory to use for persisting all data, including the// database and private key files. DataDir string`envvar:"DATA_DIR" default:"0x_mesh"`// P2PTCPPort is the port on which to listen for new TCP connections from// peers in the network. Set to 60558 by default. P2PTCPPort int`envvar:"P2P_TCP_PORT" default:"60558"`// P2PWebSocketsPort is the port on which to listen for new WebSockets// connections from peers in the network. Set to 60559 by default. P2PWebSocketsPort int`envvar:"P2P_WEBSOCKETS_PORT" default:"60559"`// EthereumRPCURL is the URL of an Etheruem node which supports the JSON RPC// API. EthereumRPCURL string`envvar:"ETHEREUM_RPC_URL" json:"-"`// EthereumChainID is the chain ID specifying which Ethereum chain you wish to// run your Mesh node for EthereumChainID int`envvar:"ETHEREUM_CHAIN_ID"`// UseBootstrapList is whether to bootstrap the DHT by connecting to a// specific set of peers. UseBootstrapList bool`envvar:"USE_BOOTSTRAP_LIST" default:"true"`// BootstrapList is a comma-separated list of multiaddresses to use for// bootstrapping the DHT (e.g.,// "/ip4/").// If empty, the default bootstrap list will be used. BootstrapList string`envvar:"BOOTSTRAP_LIST" default:""`// BlockPollingInterval is the polling interval to wait before checking for a new Ethereum block// that might contain transactions that impact the fillability of orders stored by Mesh. Different// chains have different block producing intervals: POW chains are typically slower (e.g., Mainnet)// and POA chains faster (e.g., Kovan) so one should adjust the polling interval accordingly. BlockPollingInterval time.Duration`envvar:"BLOCK_POLLING_INTERVAL" default:"5s"`// EthereumRPCMaxContentLength is the maximum request Content-Length accepted by the backing Ethereum RPC// endpoint used by Mesh. Geth & Infura both limit a request's content length to 1024 * 512 Bytes. Parity// and Alchemy have much higher limits. When batch validating 0x orders, we will fit as many orders into a// request without crossing the max content length. The default value is appropriate for operators using Geth// or Infura. If using Alchemy or Parity, feel free to double the default max in order to reduce the// number of RPC calls made by Mesh. EthereumRPCMaxContentLength int`envvar:"ETHEREUM_RPC_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH" default:"524288"`// EthereumRPCMaxRequestsPer24HrUTC caps the number of Ethereum JSON-RPC requests a Mesh node will make// per 24hr UTC time window (time window starts and ends at 12am UTC). It defaults to the 100k limit on// Infura's free tier but can be increased well beyond this limit for those using alternative infra/plans. EthereumRPCMaxRequestsPer24HrUTC int`envvar:"ETHEREUM_RPC_MAX_REQUESTS_PER_24_HR_UTC" default:"100000"`// EthereumRPCMaxRequestsPerSecond caps the number of Ethereum JSON-RPC requests a Mesh node will make per// second. This limits the concurrency of these requests and prevents the Mesh node from getting rate-limited.// It defaults to the recommended 30 rps for Infura's free tier, and can be increased to 100 rpc for pro users,// and potentially higher on alternative infrastructure. EthereumRPCMaxRequestsPerSecond float64`envvar:"ETHEREUM_RPC_MAX_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND" default:"30"`// CustomContractAddresses is a JSON-encoded string representing a set of// custom addresses to use for the configured chain ID. The contract// addresses for most common chains/networks are already included by default, so this// is typically only needed for testing on custom chains/networks. The given// addresses are added to the default list of addresses for known chains/networks and// overriding any contract addresses for known chains/networks is not allowed. The// addresses for exchange, devUtils, erc20Proxy, and erc721Proxy are required// for each chain/network. For example://// {// "exchange":"0x48bacb9266a570d521063ef5dd96e61686dbe788",// "devUtils": "0x38ef19fdf8e8415f18c307ed71967e19aac28ba1",// "erc20Proxy": "0x1dc4c1cefef38a777b15aa20260a54e584b16c48",// "erc721Proxy": "0x1d7022f5b17d2f8b695918fb48fa1089c9f85401"// }// CustomContractAddresses string`envvar:"CUSTOM_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES" default:""`// MaxOrdersInStorage is the maximum number of orders that Mesh will keep in// storage. As the number of orders in storage grows, Mesh will begin// enforcing a limit on maximum expiration time for incoming orders and remove// any orders with an expiration time too far in the future. MaxOrdersInStorage int`envvar:"MAX_ORDERS_IN_STORAGE" default:"100000"`}
typestandaloneConfigstruct {// RPCAddr is the interface and port to use for the JSON-RPC API over// WebSockets. By default, 0x Mesh will listen on localhost and port 60557. RPCAddr string`envvar:"RPC_ADDR" default:"localhost:60557"`}