Deploying a Telemetry-Enabled Mesh Node


Deploying a Telemetry-Enabled Mesh Node

0x Mesh is completely permissionless and the beta is open to anyone who wants to participate. You can optionally help improve 0x Mesh by enabling telemetry. Mesh automatically logs a lot of useful information including the number of orders processed and details about any errors and warnings that might occur. Sending this information to us is extraordinarily helpful, but completely optional. If you don't want to enable telemetry, you can follow the Deployment Guide instead.

This guide will walk you though setting up a telemetry-enabled Mesh node on the cloud hosting solution of your choice using Docker Machine. The instructions below will deploy a Mesh node on DigitalOcean, but can be easily modified to deploy on many other cloud providers.



Setting up docker-compose.yml

Let's start by creating a new directory and adding a docker-compose.yml file with the following contents:

version: '3'

        image: 0xorg/mesh:latest
        restart: always
            driver: fluentd
                fluentd-address: localhost:24224
                tag: docker.mesh
            - /root/data:/usr/mesh/0x_mesh
            - fluentbit
            - '60557:60557'
            - '60558:60558'
            - '60559:60559'
            - VERBOSITY=5
            - ETHEREUM_CHAIN_ID=1
            - WS_RPC_ADDR=mesh:60557
            - HTTP_RPC_ADDR=mesh:60556
            # Set your backing Ethereum JSON RPC endpoint below
            - ETHEREUM_RPC_URL=

        image: 0xorg/mesh-fluent-bit:latest
            - esproxy
            - '24224:24224'
        command: /fluent-bit/bin/fluent-bit -c /fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.conf

        image: overmorrow/auth-es-proxy:latest
            - '3333:3333'
            - /root/data/keys:/app/keys
        restart: on-failure:5
            - PORT=3333
            - REMOTE_ADDRESS=
            - INPUT_VALIDATION=false
            - OUTPUT_SIGNING=true
            - PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=/app/keys/privkey

In most cases, the only change you need to make to the docker-compose.yml file is to set ETHEREUM_RPC_URL to your own Ethereum JSON RPC endpoint. The WS_RPC_ADDR and HTTP_RPC_ADDR above will allow any Docker containers running in the same Docker Compose file to access the Mesh RPC API via links. To use this feature, be sure to add the following line to any containers you wish to access the Mesh RPC API from:

    - mesh

You can then use the URL ws://mesh:60557 to access the RPC API.

Alternatively, if you want to open up your Mesh RPC API to the public internet, you can set WS_RPC_ADDR= and HTTP_RPC_ADDR= If you choose to go this route, we strongly recommend using an external firewall to restrict who can access your RPC API.

Deploying with Docker Machine

We are now ready to deploy our instance. Before we can continue, you will need to set up an account with the cloud hosting provider of your choice, and retrieve your access token/key/secret. We will use them to create a new machine with name mesh-beta. Docker has great documentation on doing all of that for DigitalOcean and AWS. Instead of naming the machine docker-sandbox as in those examples, let's name ours mesh-beta as shown below.

docker-machine create --driver digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token xxxxx mesh-beta

Make sure you replaced xxxxx with your access token. This command will spin up a new instance on your cloud provider, pre-installed with Docker so that it's ready-to-use with the docker-machine command. Once the command completes, let's make sure the machine exists:

docker-machine ls

You should see something like:

mesh-beta     -        digitalocean   Running   tcp://            v18.09.7

Now comes the Docker Machine magic. By running the following commands, we can ask Docker Machine to let us execute any Docker command in our local shell AS IF we were executing them directly on the mesh-beta machine:

eval $(docker-machine env mesh-beta)

Presto! We are now ready to spin up our telemetry-enabled Mesh node! We do this using the Docker Compose command up:

docker-compose up -d

Houston, we have lift-off! All the logs from the Mesh node are being piped to the Fluentbit instance that got deployed alongside Mesh. So if you want to inspect the logs, you need to do:

docker logs <fluent-bit-container-id> -f

Instead of reading them from the 0xorg/mesh container.

Finally, in order to prevent our log aggregation stack from getting overloaded, we whitelist the peers that are allowed to send us logs. Look for a field in the logs called myPeerID:

    "myPeerID": "QmbKkHnmkmFxKbPWbBNz3inKizDuqjTsWsVyutnshYULLp",

Ping us in Discord and let us know your peer ID. You can DM fabio#1058, Alex Browne | 0x#2975 or ovrmrrw#0454 and we'll whitelist your node :)

I hope that was easy enough! If you ran into any issues, please ping us in the #mesh channel on Discord. To learn more about connecting to your Mesh node's JSON RPC interface, check out the JSON-RPC API Documentation. Your node's JSON RPC endpoint should be available at ws://<your-ip-address>:60557 and you can discover your machine's IP address by running:

docker-machine ip mesh-beta

Last updated