Browser-Lite API documentation
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The main class for this package. Has methods for receiving order events and sending orders through the 0x Mesh network.
+ new Mesh(config
: Config): Mesh
Defined in mesh.ts:142
Instantiates a new Mesh instance.
Returns: Mesh
An instance of Mesh
▸ addOrdersAsync(orders
: SignedOrder[], pinned
: boolean): Promise‹ValidationResults›
Defined in mesh.ts:292
Validates and adds the given orders to Mesh. If an order is successfully added, Mesh will share it with any peers in the network and start watching it for changes (e.g. filled, canceled, expired). The returned promise will only be rejected if there was an error validating or adding the order; it will not be rejected for any invalid orders (check results.rejected instead).
Returns: Promise‹ValidationResults›
Validation results for the given orders, indicating which orders were accepted and which were rejected.
▸ getOrdersAsync(perPage
: number): Promise‹GetOrdersResponse›
Defined in mesh.ts:221
Get all 0x signed orders currently stored in the Mesh node
Returns: Promise‹GetOrdersResponse›
the snapshotID, snapshotTimestamp and all orders, their hashes and fillableTakerAssetAmounts
▸ getOrdersForPageAsync(page
: number, perPage
: number, snapshotID?
: undefined | string): Promise‹GetOrdersResponse›
Defined in mesh.ts:263
Get page of 0x signed orders stored on the Mesh node at the specified snapshot
Returns: Promise‹GetOrdersResponse›
the snapshotID, snapshotTimestamp and all orders, their hashes and fillableTakerAssetAmounts
▸ getStatsAsync(): Promise‹Stats›
Defined in mesh.ts:204
Returns various stats about Mesh, including the total number of orders and the number of peers Mesh is connected to.
Returns: Promise‹Stats›
▸ onError(handler
: function): void
Defined in mesh.ts:162
Registers a handler which will be called in the event of a critical error. Note that the handler will not be called for non-critical errors. In order to ensure no errors are missed, this should be called before startAsync.
▪ handler: function
The handler to be called.
▸ (err
: Error): void
Returns: void
▸ onOrderEvents(handler
: function): void
Defined in mesh.ts:177
Registers a handler which will be called for any incoming order events. Order events are fired whenver an order is added, canceled, expired, or filled. In order to ensure no events are missed, this should be called before startAsync.
▪ handler: function
The handler to be called.
▸ (events
: OrderEvent[]): void
Returns: void
▸ startAsync(): Promise‹void›
Defined in mesh.ts:188
Starts the Mesh node in the background. Mesh will automatically find peers in the network and begin receiving orders from them.
Returns: Promise‹void›
• ERC1155ApprovalForAllEvent: = "ERC1155ApprovalForAllEvent"
Defined in types.ts:468
• ERC1155TransferBatchEvent: = "ERC1155TransferBatchEvent"
Defined in types.ts:470
• ERC1155TransferSingleEvent: = "ERC1155TransferSingleEvent"
Defined in types.ts:469
• ERC20ApprovalEvent: = "ERC20ApprovalEvent"
Defined in types.ts:464
• ERC20TransferEvent: = "ERC20TransferEvent"
Defined in types.ts:463
• ERC721ApprovalEvent: = "ERC721ApprovalEvent"
Defined in types.ts:466
• ERC721ApprovalForAllEvent: = "ERC721ApprovalForAllEvent"
Defined in types.ts:467
• ERC721TransferEvent: = "ERC721TransferEvent"
Defined in types.ts:465
• ExchangeCancelEvent: = "ExchangeCancelEvent"
Defined in types.ts:472
• ExchangeCancelUpToEvent: = "ExchangeCancelUpToEvent"
Defined in types.ts:473
• ExchangeFillEvent: = "ExchangeFillEvent"
Defined in types.ts:471
• WethDepositEvent: = "WethDepositEvent"
Defined in types.ts:474
• WethWithdrawalEvent: = "WethWithdrawalEvent"
Defined in types.ts:475
• Added: = "ADDED"
Defined in types.ts:538
• Cancelled: = "CANCELLED"
Defined in types.ts:541
• Expired: = "EXPIRED"
Defined in types.ts:542
• FillabilityIncreased: = "FILLABILITY_INCREASED"
Defined in types.ts:545
• Filled: = "FILLED"
Defined in types.ts:539
• FullyFilled: = "FULLY_FILLED"
Defined in types.ts:540
• Invalid: = "INVALID"
Defined in types.ts:537
• StoppedWatching: = "STOPPED_WATCHING"
Defined in types.ts:546
• Unexpired: = "UNEXPIRED"
Defined in types.ts:543
• Unfunded: = "UNFUNDED"
Defined in types.ts:544
A set of categories for rejected orders.
• CoordinatorError: = "COORDINATOR_ERROR"
Defined in types.ts:630
• MeshError: = "MESH_ERROR"
Defined in types.ts:628
• MeshValidation: = "MESH_VALIDATION"
Defined in types.ts:629
• ZeroExValidation: = "ZEROEX_VALIDATION"
Defined in types.ts:627
• Debug: = 5
Defined in types.ts:211
• Error: = 2
Defined in types.ts:208
• Fatal: = 1
Defined in types.ts:207
• Info: = 4
Defined in types.ts:210
• Panic: = 0
Defined in types.ts:206
• Trace: = 6
Defined in types.ts:212
• Warn: = 3
Defined in types.ts:209
• errors: string[]
Defined in schema_validator.ts:11
fatal• fatal? : undefined | string
Defined in schema_validator.ts:12
• success: boolean
Defined in schema_validator.ts:10
• messageValidator: function
Defined in schema_validator.ts:17
Type declaration:
▸ (input
: string): SchemaValidationResult
• orderValidator: function
Defined in schema_validator.ts:16
Type declaration:
▸ (input
: string): SchemaValidationResult
Info for any orders that were accepted.
• fillableTakerAssetAmount: BigNumber
Defined in types.ts:608
• isNew: boolean
Defined in types.ts:609
• orderHash: string
Defined in types.ts:606
• signedOrder: SignedOrder
Defined in types.ts:607
A set of configuration options for Mesh.
blockPollingIntervalSeconds• blockPollingIntervalSeconds? : undefined | number
Defined in types.ts:118
bootstrapList• bootstrapList? : string[]
Defined in types.ts:111
customContractAddresses• customContractAddresses? : ContractAddresses
Defined in types.ts:162
customOrderFilter• customOrderFilter? : JsonSchema
Defined in types.ts:187
enableEthereumRPCRateLimiting• enableEthereumRPCRateLimiting? : undefined | false | true
Defined in types.ts:135
• ethereumChainID: number
Defined in types.ts:103
ethereumRPCMaxContentLength• ethereumRPCMaxContentLength? : undefined | number
Defined in types.ts:127
ethereumRPCMaxRequestsPer24HrUTC• ethereumRPCMaxRequestsPer24HrUTC? : undefined | number
Defined in types.ts:140
ethereumRPCMaxRequestsPerSecond• ethereumRPCMaxRequestsPerSecond? : undefined | number
Defined in types.ts:146
ethereumRPCURL• ethereumRPCURL? : undefined | string
Defined in types.ts:100
maxOrdersInStorage• maxOrdersInStorage? : undefined | number
Defined in types.ts:167
useBootstrapList• useBootstrapList? : undefined | false | true
Defined in types.ts:106
verbosity• verbosity? : Verbosity
Defined in types.ts:97
web3Provider• web3Provider? : SupportedProvider
Defined in types.ts:190
coordinator• coordinator? : undefined | string
Defined in types.ts:199
coordinatorRegistry• coordinatorRegistry? : undefined | string
Defined in types.ts:200
• devUtils: string
Defined in types.ts:195
• erc1155Proxy: string
Defined in types.ts:198
• erc20Proxy: string
Defined in types.ts:196
• erc721Proxy: string
Defined in types.ts:197
• exchange: string
Defined in types.ts:194
weth9• weth9? : undefined | string
Defined in types.ts:201
zrxToken• zrxToken? : undefined | string
Defined in types.ts:202
• address: string
Defined in types.ts:516
• blockHash: string
Defined in types.ts:511
• isRemoved: boolean
Defined in types.ts:515
• kind: ContractEventKind
Defined in types.ts:517
• logIndex: number
Defined in types.ts:514
• parameters: ContractEventParameters
Defined in types.ts:518
• txHash: string
Defined in types.ts:512
• txIndex: number
Defined in types.ts:513
• approved: boolean
Defined in types.ts:380
• operator: string
Defined in types.ts:379
• owner: string
Defined in types.ts:378
• from: string
Defined in types.ts:362
• ids: BigNumber[]
Defined in types.ts:364
• operator: string
Defined in types.ts:361
• to: string
Defined in types.ts:363
• values: BigNumber[]
Defined in types.ts:365
• from: string
Defined in types.ts:345
• id: BigNumber
Defined in types.ts:347
• operator: string
Defined in types.ts:344
• to: string
Defined in types.ts:346
• value: BigNumber
Defined in types.ts:348
• owner: string
Defined in types.ts:299
• spender: string
Defined in types.ts:300
• value: BigNumber
Defined in types.ts:301
• from: string
Defined in types.ts:286
• to: string
Defined in types.ts:287
• value: BigNumber
Defined in types.ts:288
• approved: string
Defined in types.ts:326
• owner: string
Defined in types.ts:325
• tokenId: BigNumber
Defined in types.ts:327
• approved: boolean
Defined in types.ts:340
• operator: string
Defined in types.ts:339
• owner: string
Defined in types.ts:338